The UVM Ski & Snowboard Club (UVMSSC) is a non-competitive, non-profit, student run organization dedicated to bringing together UVM's winter sports community and making skiing and snowboarding more accessible to UVM students. We work to encourage the already popular winter sports culture at UVM by providing discount season passes, free shuttles to the mountains, on/off-campus skiing and snowboarding film premieres and other events, group trips around the world, cheap trips around the Northeast, discounts to local businesses, proforms direct from manufacturers, and include some pretty sweet t-shirts with membership.

UVMSSC is the largest collegiate ski and snowboard club in the U.S. Our mission is to provide the UVM skiers and snowboarders with the opportunity to foster and develop relationships with the greater ski and snowboard community of Northern VT. This includes individual club members, ski resorts, sport shops, and national sponsors. It is our purpose to provide a framework by which all of these establishments can meld and become incorporated into an epic community of winter sport enthusiasts.


Siena Webb

El Presidente

*Starts playing national anthem* LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE RISE, IT IS OUR NATIONAL TREASURE AND GLORIOUS PRESIDENT SIENA WEBB. Have you ever been to the beach without Bob Marley? it just aint work. Just as the SSC aint work without Siena. She is the butter to our biscuits, the beans to our toast, or vegemite to our sandwich for our international crowd. Other than skiing, Siena loves to lose at mario kart, facetime her friends at 2am, cropdust, and go sledding. These activities may seem to be quite on polar ends, but it is surprising the amount that these all occur in the same night. If you see her in the wild make sure to bust out into an irish jig, as she will surely join while chanting "YEE LORD THE DAY HAS ONE ONCE MORE SHEEHAW!"


Ian Robertson

Director of Pass Sales + EVENTS COORDINATOR

Ian is a true maple leaf lickin’, (1)snow blowin’ Vermonter. Any time you make Ian happy, he does cartwheel circles for a couple minutes, so be wary when cracking a fart joke in a china shop (learned the hard way). His ancestral relation to Emily Dickinson made him fall in love with poetry and a good juicy 4 for 4. Ian consistently skis a minimum of 100 days each season and only occasionally gets booed for cutting children in the bunny slope lift line.

(1) His lover and longtime companion, Snow Smith.


Colton Glasgow

Graphic Design

At the ripe age of 32 months, Colton learned that he was unable to wear camouflage, as it began to blend into him. This hardship, as well as his mild nut allergy, has provided significant inspiration for his art, allowing him to breathe passion into his work. Each creation is articulately crafted and polished, following a similar strategy to that of Monet. Colton is notorious for his ability to rapidly peel clementines and straight lining down Wachusett mountain. He loves drawing, going in the ocean with socks on, and driving five below the speed limit. Stay tuned for some sick posters and designs headed your way!


Alex Shuman

Clubhaus Manager

If you see Alex and a bear fighting in the woods, help the bear. Alex is a firefighter by day and a barefoot bighorn sheep lovin’ gentleman by night. He is always strapped with a set of collapsible nunchucks and a hardback copy of Winery Dogs of Sonoma. Never test him, this guy will do anything for a klondike bar (except take off his I heart New York shirt while flirting with women at the bar). Whether it’s bangin’ together a dubstep play list or dusting off the ‘ol archives, Alex will get the job done in the Clubhaus this season.


Maddie Marston

Director of Social MEdia

Picture this: you're at the club and you lay eyes on the most well-rounded, jaw-droppingly classy director of social media you've ever seen. It's Maddie Marston. You make eye contact. She rips a belch so loud you feel the ground shake. You look into her eyes. All you see is perseverance, this season’s trendiest Skida patterns, and the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. After rejecting an opportunity to become Liam Neeson’s stunt double, she was soon hired to manage SSC’s social media. Maddie is so good at her job that every time she posts on Instagram, an orphaned puppy finds its home. Lord, she’s talented.


Sam Polstein

Ski Sponsorship Manager

6’6 in heels, Sam Polstein was ranked the ninth best-looking ski sponsorship coordinator this side of the Mississippi. Every night before Sam goes to bed, he perms his hair and practices finger guns in the mirror. His genetics are so deeply rooted in the northeast that his left thigh has freckles which uncannily resemble the coastline of Maine. Sam has an affinity for frolicking barefoot in swampy fields, skiing without poles, and flossing daily. Smooth like jazz, fast like…something fast, we are incredibly fortunate to have this silly little muffin in charge of our ski sponsors.


Evan Strobl

Snowboard Sponsorship Manager

A man of suave and silky locks that resemble the black sand beaches of Panalu’u. A man who feeds his natural urge for decadence and swagger through his passion for snowboard sponsorships and spicy tuna. If we dive into his deepest dreams, we see clips of a lavender scented emperor penguin serving Evan a platter of raspberries and an ice cold corona. “Your demeanor and skill is comparable to Scott Stevens,” the Penguin says. Little does the Penguin know that Evan is the 4 time finger boarding world champion. Beat that, Scott Stevens.


Alan Misura

Director of Outreach

Alan catches a glimpse of his reflection, it is merely the silhouette of a flamboyant peacock searching for a mate. You’ve never truly seen perfection until you’ve seen him in skinny acid wash denim as he preaches his title as a self proclaimed “certified paint beast.” His main obligations in the club include maintaining our outreach program and charitably donating consensual kisses & good times to the local elderly home. In his free time he recreates Old Spice commercials. Fear him, loathe him, idolize him.


Ty Bears

Trips and Transportation

A bird? A plane? A curly headed fella trying to cage dance? No, that’s Ty “Busty Milk Maid” Bears, the assistant Trips and Transportation officer! He can lift a school bus with his right hand and a pitcher of lukewarm IPA in the other while effortlessly harmonizing to Lady Gaga’s greatest hits. Every evening he watches differential calculus compilations on youtube while applying his eyelash serum and trimming his toe nails. Aside from his hard to look past quirks and nose picking habit, Ty is the ideal candidate for assisting trips and transportation endeavors. Get ready for the best this year!


Ben Linteris


His undies are gingham, his socks are plaid, and his eye for perfection is gold. He’s a master behind the lens and a class act on the streets. Ben won’t dare touch bedding unless it is sateen and above a 500 thread count, as he fears the poor quality will harm his money maker (right hand pointer finger). He’s slashed more neck deep pow days than Tarantino and is, therefore, the most eligible candidate for our cinematography position.


Lucy Rosenbluth


Lucy oh lucy, how do you swoon our mountains oh so well. A bond tighter than a babys cheeks created out of proud negotiation, promptly timed emails, and love <3. Lucy spends her time looking for the ants, as they have taken her homeland and are rampaging constantly to the song "Funky Town" by Lipps inc.; because of this, be mindful as she walks through campus, her sword she carries at her side 24/7 could slice you in half (only if you are an ant of course).


Alex Hoefer


The fact that Alex has ugly wugly elbows was no deterrent to assume the role of creating utter awesomeness like our rail jams or learn to ski and ride days. His fear of beds and couches could never throw shade on the fact that he can toss back enormous volumes of water, Mio and and and and and and in a gallon size water jug that reads “www.UVM.ssc.borg.” Alex’s bizarre, yet structured beliefs, of the giant sandworms deemed Shai-Hulud, have sent him down deep into a rabbit hole of self-discovery that can only benefit the Club’s need for a hot tub in the clubhouse (make it happen, Shuman).

Alex is forever on the run from a militia of popcorn kernels who are constantly attempting to infiltrate his gray matter. Never fear! He has equipped his bunker with a bongo and a ukulele, providing endless hours of fun and entertainment for all.


Gigi Lajeunesse


Oh, Canada! What on Earth were you thinking when you let Gigi go? You lost your most profish financial guru and we gained an absolute beast of a fidoosh for the SSC. Moving on, in addition to collecting Matchbox cars in her free time, Gigi is obsessively addicted to model train sets that feature full movie remakes of the Polar Express characters who come to life via USB-B connection ports to sing and serve steaming hot chocolate, sticky marshmallows, and juicy kisses.

As a steadfast Warren Buffet groupie, Gigi has sworn herself off from all Pepsi products, including the sweet-sweet, oosie-juicy, nectar of the Gods….Mountain Dew. This is utter blasphemy! Despite this heresy, SSC is confident that her depth of knowledge regarding stacks of Benjamins, the GDP and all things ROI will erect the necessary pimp juice the Club has been lacking.