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New to skiing or Riding??

If you haven’t picked up on it yet UVM is a pretty big snow school. Here in Vermont its summer for about three months, fall for two, and winter for seven months. That being said, if you don’t ski or ride you are gonna find yourself with a lot of free time on your hands by the time Winter Break roles around.

We know that not every UVM student has the opportunity or the exposure to get into the snow sports world so we would like to give you the chance to do so! We offer five Learn to Ski or Ride days throughout the winter (spring semester). These days give new skiers/riders the chance to get a day pass, rentals and transportation to the hill for very cheap. It also gives you the chance to have a lesson where you can learn how to conquer your new passion.


SIGN UP FOR LEArn to ski and ride

Smugglers' Notch is offering lift tickets, lessons, and rentals for $24/item to provide an opportunity for new skiers and riders to try out the sport! 

Lessons will start at 10 am and will run for about 2 hours. After that, you will have the rest of the day to explore the mountain! Transportation will be provided so do not worry about finding a ride.

If you plan on renting, you will receive an email with a rental agreement form that you must print, fill out, and bring with you to the LTSR Day.

Please keep an eye on your email for a link to purchase your ticket, lesson, and/or rentals. You will not be able to participate until you purchase these.

January 27th

February 10th

March 3rd