BUs 101
Buses run every weekend between January 18th and March 30th 2025, excluding the weekends before and after Spring Break. Buses run to Jay Peak, Mad River Glen, Sugarbush, and Smugglers Notch.
There will be transfer buses from Trinity and Central campuses to Patrick Gym each morning where students will then unload, check-in, and then load the bus for their designated mountain.
- 2 Strike Rule: If you miss a bus you signed up for without cancelling at least 12 hours in advance, you will receive a strike. After two strikes you will no longer be able to take SSC buses.
- Every student must check-in with an SSC Officer or Ambassador before boarding a bus, if you fail to check-in it will be counted as a strike. BRING YOUR CAT CARD TO VERIFY MEMBERSHIP.
- You are expected to be at Patrick Gym at 8:30am to check-in. Buses will depart from the gym at exactly 9:00am. See the information below if you need to be picked up at Central or Trinity campus.
- Buses leave the mountain at 4pm from the same drop off location. We advise you get to the bus no later than 3:50. Students who miss the bus will not be provided transportation back to campus.
Sign-up Info
We are going back to online sign-ups this season. Click on the google form links below to sign up.
In order to be as fair as possible, half of the spots will open on WEDNESDAYS at 12 PM and the other half on THURSDAYS at 12 PM.
Bus sign-ups CLOSE on THURSDAYS at 4 PM.
CONFIRMATION EMAILS will be sent out THURSDAY NIGHTS. Email uvmssctransportation@uvm.edu if you did not receive one.
- You must be a member of UVM SSC
- You may only sign yourself up
- If the sign-ups are full you can request to be put on the waitlist
- Waitlist Rules: Show up at Patrick-gym at 8:30 AM with everyone else, if there is extra space you can get on, but we can not guarantee you a spot.
*NO BUSES 3/8-3/9 AND 3/15-3/16 DUE TO SPRING BREAK*
Saturday Sugarbush & Mad River Glen Sign-Up
Saturday Smuggler’s Notch Sign-Up
Saturday Waitlist - Will open on Thursday if signups are full.
Sunday Sugarbush & Mad River Glen Sign-Up
Sunday Smuggler’s Notch Sign-Up
Sunday Waitlist - Will open on Thursday if signups are full.
Trinity Pick-up ~8:15am
Bus leaves by 8:30 AM for Patrick Gym
Pick up Location- McAuley Hall, Trinity Campus
Central Pick-up ~8:15am
Bus leaves by 8:30 AM for Patrick Gym
Pick-up Location- Central Campus Residence Hall
Patrick Gym Pick-up ~8:30am
All buses leave for mountains by 9:00 AM
Bus Cancellations & Inquiries
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to reach out to the club’s wonderful Trips & Transportation Officers, Ava and Ty, at uvmssctransportation@uvm.edu